Independent web designer & developer

Hi there!

a portrait of Mike Stott, the web designer & developer, wearing glasses in a grey hoodie, staring into the distance

I am Mike

and I help brands go from to unforgettable

a screenshot of Vegans of Manila interactive map directory, a project created by web design & developer, Mike Stott
a screenshot of Bricks Library, a project created by web design & developer, Mike Stott, for a global SaaS company
a screenshot of Los Angeles, a website designed & developed by Mike Stott for a marketing-style business
a screenshot of Shanghai, a restaurant-type web project created by web design & developer, Mike Stott
a screenshot of Dubai, a project developed for an easte agents business, designed by Mike Stott
a screenshot of the home page of Lala Shambala, an Australian business that sells healthcare products, developed by Mike Stott


Lala Shambala

Lala Shambala is an Australian-based online eCommerce store that specializes in a diverse range of body and home oils. To better represent their brand and boost sales, they needed to revamp their online presence with a brand-new website that truly reflects their unique identity.


Vegans of Manila

Vegans of Manila is a non-profit company that promotes vegan and plant-based businesses in the Philippines. They wanted a modern directory-style website that also had a community feel so it needed to include a blog and subscription service.


Bricks Library

Bricks Library is a new business in the WordPress world, creating UI components for Bricks Builder. We helped implement UX design into their website and structure it in a way that would make it easy for visitors to understand and eventually turn into them paying customers. We also help with their hosting and social media platforms.
